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After changes were made to a list (new columns added/modified/deleted, list renamed) and SmartObjects were regenerated, hitting the following error when trying to manually initiate a workflow:

An unexpected error has occurred while trying to resolve a value for Resolver ID: 106C5886-18B1-4c09-BEB3-6F7342669D18.Logged : True


Various associations had been orphaned in the SmartObject of the primary list for the customer's solution after changes/deletions were made to list structures (specifically, the associations created as a part of lookup columns).

A SmartObject was autogenerated, from a lookup column on the primary list, so a separate list could be leveraged within the customer's solution. Associations were also autogenerated within the primary list's SmartObject to the SmartObject for the lookup list. After modifications were made to the lookup list, these associations became orphaned.

The workflow in question that was throwing the error was executing methods of the SmartObject with orphaned associations, causing the exception to be thrown.


Two orphaned associations were found (on 'Configure Associations (optional)' tab of SmO designer) that were no longer necessary to the build. These associations were deleted, and the SmartObject saved.

NOTE: It was necessary to open the start rule for the workflow in question that was throwing the errors and run through the wizard, clicking finish at the end. This allowed the wizard to refresh its associations so the error would not occur.

(Alternative solution: If orphaned associations are found within a SmO, but it is found that they should not be deleted, the developer has the option to remap these associations so they do not cause the exception to be thrown.)

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