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Hi there.

I have a problem in a solution implemented for a client, where i use SharePoint 2007, K2 Blackpearl and Infopath Forms Server 2007.

In my Infopath Forms, i use the K2 WebServices to get my Activity Actions and then I fill my own DropDownList.

In the Infopath Client Wizard , when the wizard says that the field is not bound to a
control and asks  if i want to create a dropown control that lists the
possible workflow task actions i always say "No".

The Problem is that my team has implemented many, many K2 processes and sometimes, somenone forgot and when the Wizard asked the question, they replied "Yes".

So now i have a useless K2 Actions DropDownList in the bottom of those Infopath forms.

How can i remove this DropDownList??? I have tried everything, i even edited my Infopath Form and removed the DropDownList  by hand but i does not work. It reappears when i open the form in the process.

Anyone knows how to make this DDL go away?


Is it possible your dropdown is in a section?  If so there appears to be a problem with the K2 InfoPath Integration wizard where it automatically adds its own dropdown to the bottom of the form when the action dropdown is in a section which sounds like what you're experiencing. 

If you're unable to move your dropdown from the section then what I do is I simply add a formatting rule to the dropdown at the bottom of the form and configure the rule so that the dropdown is always hidden.  In design mode you'll see it but the users will not at runtime which for me has been an effective workaround.

I hope this helps.


Hi there,


Tim you have that 100% correct this is a known issue. Tim’s workaround will work perfectly the other option is to remove the control form the section, that might not be an option depending on the use of the section, if it is to hide/show controls based on rules and user input then Tim’s solution will be a better option.


I have tried to use this method to remove the Task Action DropDownList from the InfoPath form, but it still adds it.  I am running InfoPath 2007, SharePoint 2007 and K2 Blackpearl 4.5 (4.10060.1.1390.0)  

Any suggestions? You response is appreciated.


I had a same situation. Here is how I removed the task action dropdown list:

1. Go to InfoPath client event, switch to a different view

2. From InfoPath Integration Wizard, open the InfoPath form and delete the action task control from the original view.

3. Finish the integration wizard, the dropdown list should be removed now.

4. Go back  to the InfoPath cleint event, switch back to the original view, add task action field, next, next, when prompted for creating controls, choose No.

5. Finish the InfoPath client event wizard. All done.



I've tried your steps mentioned above, but I must be missing something.  Still getting the unbound control at the bottom left of the page once it's deployed.

 In Step 4 I never get prompted for creating controls...

Can you shed any more light on your steps above?  It would be much appreciated!

I figured this out today.  I created a new unbound control and specified it as the Action Control, then went through your steps mentioned and got that pop up "Do you want to...."

However after running though all *still* dropped the artifact in the lower left of the screen.

I decided to just bind the drop down to the task control field and then just hide it when 1=1


All good!
