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Cannot Register Service Instance


We are having a problem registering a new custom Service Instance. The error we are receiving is this:

ServiceInstance name exists already. 'ServiceInstanceName'
SmartObject Server Exception: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'SmartBroker.ServiceInstance' with unique index 'UX_SmartBroker_ServiceInstance_ServiceInstanceGUID'. The duplicate key value is (GUID)
The statement has been terminated.

10520 SmartObject Runtime.Management Database Error: 'Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'SmartBroker.ServiceInstance' with unique index 'UX_SmartBroker_ServiceInstance_ServiceInstanceGUID'. The duplicate key value is (GUID).
The statement has been terminated.
HelpLink.ProdName = 'Microsoft SQL Server'
HelpLink.ProdVer = '11.00.5058'
HelpLink.EvtID = '2601'
HelpLink.BaseHelpUrl = ''
HelpLink.LinkId = '20476'

There does not seem to be a service instance visible for this custom service broker in the Smartobject Service Tester Tool.


As such, we performed the following:

1. Create a backup of the K2 database recommended when performing direct database manipulations

2. Execute the following query against the K2 database (assuming default database name is 'K2') to remove that service instance:

DELETE FROM OSmartBroker].rServiceInstance]
WHERE RServiceInstanceGUID] = 'GUID'

3. Re-register the 'ServiceInstanceName' service instance using the Smartobject Service Tester tool

One recommendation is to perhaps register this custom broker andgt service instance prior to the deployment of the PandampD package this way during the deployment we can just select to use the existing service instance.

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