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Cannot register K2 SharePoint App into SharePoint 2013



We are trying to configure K2 4.6.11 for SharePoint on our DEV environment, for this we have built a K2 Server and installed the K2 for SharePoint feature and on the SharePoint server side we did the below actions :

1- Activated the AppManagementService
2- Created App Catalog on each WebApp and tested with a test App
3- No HTTPS on both farms (K2 and SP2013)
4- UserProfile was activated
5- TCP port 6332 checked
6- Installed the K2 App using AppDeployment.exe from ?4. K2 for SharePoint 4.6.11? folder

The App was correctly uploaded on our SP App Catalogs, but unfortunately, when we try to register it on any Site Collection we are getting this error message : (Open Authorization : Error issuing high trust token. ?see attached file err.jpg).
I checked ?Trusted Security Token Issuer ? and ?Trusted Root Autority? and all seems to be OK (see below results).
Can you please help?

PS C:Users9DCSP2013appuatandgt Get-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer

IsSelfIssuer : False
NameId :
RegisteredIssuerName : 3308eaff-d056-4a32-9b1d-563f81bf06f9@6703dc68-5dcd-4d69-92d1-9c5a09
IdentityClaimTypeInformation : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedClaimTypeInform
Description : K2 for SharePoint high-trust certificate for
SigningCertificate : :Subject]
CN=K2 OAuth High Trust

CN=K2 OAuth High Trust

/Serial Number]

/Not Before]
10/4/2016 12:49:28 AM

/Not After]
10/5/2026 12:49:27 AM


AdditionalSigningCertificates : {}
MetadataEndPoint : http://eudrptfs0057npe:6332/api/metadatadocument?realm=6703dc68-5dc
IsAutomaticallyUpdated : True
Name : K2-9fe8b9a4-b3e3-4ab8-af31-4d7fda683246
TypeName : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedSecurityTokenSe
DisplayName : K2-9fe8b9a4-b3e3-4ab8-af31-4d7fda683246
Id : 40cdffe8-9e7b-4682-8cbe-a922d6f6da81
Status : Online
Parent : SPSecurityTokenServiceManager Name=SecurityTokenServiceManager
Version : 7815361
Properties : {}
Farm : SPFarm Name=SP2013UAT_Config
UpgradedPersistedProperties : {}

PS C:Users9DCSP2013appuatandgt Get-SPTrustedRootAuthority

Certificate : :Subject]
CN=K2 OAuth High Trust

CN=K2 OAuth High Trust

/Serial Number]

/Not Before]
10/4/2016 12:49:28 AM

/Not After]
10/5/2026 12:49:27 AM


Name : K2-9fe8b9a4-b3e3-4ab8-af31-4d7fda683246_8bcfe5d3-8c65-49dc-b9ab-d6b39
TypeName : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTrustedRootAuthority
DisplayName : K2-9fe8b9a4-b3e3-4ab8-af31-4d7fda683246_8bcfe5d3-8c65-49dc-b9ab-d6b39
Id : 4e6b7817-2109-4d57-8df5-0fd26e7b8e6c
Status : Online
Parent : SPTrustedRootAuthorityManager
Version : 7815358
Properties : {}
Farm : SPFarm Name=SP2013UAT_Config
UpgradedPersistedProperties : {}

Certificate : :Subject]
CN=SharePoint Root Authority, OU=SharePoint, O=Microsoft, C=US

CN=SharePoint Root Authority, OU=SharePoint, O=Microsoft, C=US

/Serial Number]

/Not Before]
7/21/2014 5:14:26 PM

/Not After]
1/1/9999 1:00:00 AM


Name : local
TypeName : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTrustedRootAuthority
DisplayName : local
Id : 969da58f-a95e-4bf5-9d7c-4843078a123f
Status : Online
Parent : SPTrustedRootAuthorityManager
Version : 2040
Properties : {}
Farm : SPFarm Name=SP2013UAT_Config
UpgradedPersistedProperties : {}



Hi Riadh,


We are trying to configure K2 4.6.11 for SharePoint on our DEV environment, for this we have built a K2 Server and installed the K2 for SharePoint feature and on the SharePoint server side we did the below actions :

1- Activated the AppManagementService
2- Created App Catalog on each WebApp and tested with a test App
3- No HTTPS on both farms (K2 and SP2013)
4- UserProfile was activated
5- TCP port 6332 checked
6- Installed the K2 App using AppDeployment.exe from ?4. K2 for SharePoint 4.6.11? folder

The App was correctly uploaded on our SP App Catalogs, but unfortunately, when we try to register it on any Site Collection we are getting this error message : (Open Authorization : Error issuing high trust token. ?see attached file err.jpg).
I checked ?Trusted Security Token Issuer ? and ?Trusted Root Autority? and all seems to be OK (see below results).
Can you please help?


Following our last Webex Meeting here si below the actions made in order to fix this issue.

- Deinstallation BlackPearl
- Deinstallation SmartForms
- Removing Old AppPool and WebApp from IIS
- Reinstallation BlackPearlServer
- Reinstallation SMartForms
- Ex?cution of the PS script in order to double check all the fresh Installation ("K2 smartforms (4.16060.2000.2)InstallationRepairSPHealthChecker.ps1")
- Execution AppDeployment.exe
- Deployment of the K2 BlackPearl app from the AppCatalog (only available for the 4.7)
- Registration Wizard from the AppCatalog who work
- Activation of the K2 App from the Site collection

With your agreement I will close this ticket directly without any validation from you

Thanks, and regards
Nasser SAID

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