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After upgrading to 4.6.9, Smartforms on runtime keeps on loading when opened in IE11 and IE10. This behavior does not persist on other browsers such as Chrome.




This is caused by a missing key (AnonymousResources.ashx) in the runtime web.config file



Edit the runtime web.config file as described below.

Locate the following section:


<add key="Forms.Compression.ExcludedPatterns" value="Image.ashx;UserImage.ashx;File.ashx;ResourceJson.ashx;UserResources.ashx;SharedResources.ashx;CombinedResource.ashx" />




And change it to:


<add key="Forms.Compression.ExcludedPatterns" value="Image.ashx;UserImage.ashx;File.ashx;ResourceJson.ashx;UserResources.ashx;SharedResources.ashx;CombinedResource.ashx;AnonymousResources.ashx" />




Perform iisreset to apply the changes. 


Did not see anything, what is the resolution for this

@TonyTNQ Article was edited so that we have resolution for this, please do let us know if it works for you.
