since you filter by ID you can not get more then 1 item. ID is always unique.
can you post example of your data and desctibe what you want to get?
Thanks for your reply Marian. I have the following SharePoint list called Test :
S23Delegate CostCentre Amount
Person A 1001 300.00
Person B 1001 400.00
Person C 1003 500.00
Person D 1003 600.00
In my Nintex form, I have a drop down list that would choose which Cost Centre, If I choose 1001, it should alert pop up in my Javascript function as "Person A" and "Person B". So far in my code above, it will only pop up Person A and it will pop up twice. First Pop up is Person A and second popup is Person A again. What should I do to get Person A and Person B. Thanks
what are datatypes of 'CostCentre1' control and 'CostCentre' list field? are they lookups or choices?
Yes the CostCentre1 is a lookup from another list called CostCentre and the datatype of that column in the CostCentre is just a Text.
But it's all good now. I managed to find a workaround for this. I had to utilize the /vit_bin/List.asmx web service and the GetListItems() function of the web service with Xml nodes and caml. See example below of my code (I put it in JavaScript). The code would get the "Test" list and filter the Test list with my Cost Centre drop down lists using CAML. Another drop down list called ddlTest would populate the S23Delegate based on the result of the CAML.
function populateTest() {
var costCentre1 = NWF$('#' + ddlCostCentre1 + ' :selected').text();
var listName = "Test";
makeSoapCall(listName, costCentre1);
function makeSoapCall(listName, cc1){
var soapEnv =
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=''" +
" xmlns:xsd=''
<GetListItems xmlns=''>
<listName>" + listName + "</listName>
<query><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='CostCentre' /><Value Type='Text'>" + cc1 + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query></query>
<queryOptions><QueryOptions xmlns=''><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns><ViewAttributes Scope='RecursiveAll'/></QueryOptions></queryOptions>
url: L_Menu_BaseUrl + "/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx",
type: "POST",
dataType: "xml",
data: soapEnv,
complete: processResult,
contentType: "text/xml; charset=""utf-8"""
function processResult(xData, status) {
var result;
if (isIE)
result = xData.responseXML
result = xData.responseText
try {
NWF$("#" + ddlTest).empty();
var i = 1;
if (status == "success" && result){
$("rs\:data", result).find("z\:row").each(function (i) {
var s23Delegate = $(this).attr('ows_S23Delegate');
var costCentre = $(this).attr('ows_CostCentre');
i += 1;
var options = "<option value=i>" + s23Delegate + "</option>";
NWF$("#" + ddlTest).append(options);
}); }
catch (e) {
as per your original question (lookup function in calcuated control value):
since CostCentre1 control is lookup you have to get cost centre name/text first. I will assume cost centre name is the field that is being looked up for and filter by (so no additional lookup for cost centre name is needed). this you can achieve with parseLookup() runtime function like
output of this function you can then compare to CostCentre field from Test list within lookup function.
so you lookup function should look like
General note: it's not a wise approach to compare lookup value to simple text field. with simple text field you can not ensure data are entered in proper form, do not have typos, extra or missing space, etc. this all can prevent successful match between text value and lookup value. the best would be to compare two lookups.