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When I am trying to edit a workflow I am coming across this error:




Exception of type 'SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectException' was thrown.




I have tried editing other workflows and I am able to edit them without issue. How do I fix this?




The simplest way to try to fix this issue is to make sure that all Forms and Views you have tied to your workflow are checked in. Please ensure that anyone working on any of these items work has been completed and is ready to be checked in before doing this. If this does not fix the issue you should contact support by submitting a support ticket.


Editing certain workflows fails with “Server Error: Exception of type 'SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectException' was thrown.”

This occurs when forms and workflows are created using multiple users and the forms are in checked out state and was never in its cycle been checked in.

Checked in the checked out forms to work around this. This is a product bug and I have requested we see if we can resolve it in future Appit update.
