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We upgraded our Dev environment and then our QA environment to 4.6.11. We just discovered that we can no longer edit a particular view in our Dev environment. We get an error message "Server Error. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s".

We are able to edit that same view in our QA environment. So we packaged that view and tried to deploy it to Dev, but the deploy failed with an error "The package failed to deploy. Dependency could not be created: System.Exception: Dependency could not be created. Parent does not exist in this environment. Check Data property of exception".

Forms that include this view are still running. But we can no longer edit it. The view is very important to our implementation so we need to be able to edit and deploy it.


The issue was caused by one of the underlying smartobject based on an Oracle view which had been dropped.


Recreating the view fixed this issue.

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