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Hi there, I created a new workflow in K2 Designer and cannot deploy it. I receive the error below:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: registeredWizard
at SourceCode.Framework.WizardDefinition..ctor(WizardElement registeredWizard)
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.Forms.GenerateProcess.CreateClientEvents(XmlDocument xmlProcess, XmlDocument xmlInputData, XmlNode activity, Activity newActivity, Process newProcess, String UserName)
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.Forms.GenerateProcess.CreateActivies(XmlDocument xmlInputData, XmlDocument xmlProcess, DefaultProcessand newProcess, String UserName)
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.Forms.GenerateProcess.Generate(String LocalHostConnection, String UserName, Int32 ProcessID, String InputData, String ProcessXML, String SqlConnectionString, String HostServerConnectionString)


This error when deploying usually means that something is missing from the installation.


The recommendation is to reinstall the K2 software.
Client upgraded to 4.6.10, which resolved the issue.

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