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I tried to copy an existing process to a new project. I proceeded activity by activity, copying it, changing values (Target sharepoint site, name of datafields), and compiling it.

No problem, except when I finished the process duplication. Now I can't build anymore, Visual Studio is telling me "no logical space left to create more user strings".

I haven't had any problem with the original process.

Looking at the two files the new one is slightly heavier than the original (new : 42 MB, old : 41 MB).

A quick search in google showed me that (as the message says) my file is probably too big. Thing is I didn't add anything to the process. Indeed some names are longer (smo names mostly), but some are shorter too.

So the questions 🙂 :

 - Is it possible that it's a bug ? And how to correct it ?

 - If not, do you know of a way to change references to smart object at the process level without digging in every single event ?



When you get this error is that the full message you get?



No, the long version of the message is like :

"Unexpected error writing metadata to file <some path in UserLocal settingsTempCSWinWF-guid.dll -- 'No logical space left to create more user strings.'"


I think this might happen because both solutions are open simultaneously and they are using the same temporary extender project.

Try closing the original solution and build your new one again.

I suspect when you copy the events it still references the same Extender Projects which will conflict if you have another solution open with the same extender project. I suggest that you have only one of these solutions open at a time.

Let us know whether this resolved it.



This did't solve the problem.

I don't know about "Extender Projects", but do know if there is a way to remove the reference you mentionned, or reset the solution so that it rebuilds that reference without conflicting with the existing project ?



Edit :

I did some tests and :

 - Removing an activity (the kprx file was then smaller than the original one) did not make the error go away

 - I copied all of the activities from the original process to the target process at once (twice in fact, my RAM or some limitation in the thread memory allocation doesn't allow me to copy the entire process). The new solution compiles fine without closing the other solution.

Does that mean it is now working?

Nop, it just means the "size" does not seem to be the real issue, despite what the error message says.

The compilation used to run fine while copying my activities, but when I copied the last one, the error occured.

The compilation runs fine with the data from the original flow put as is in the new solution.

Please try to simplify the workflow by having an IPC event and move some of the activities to a different process. You have hit the .NET limit for string literals
