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I receive an error when attempting to create a new deployment package:
'TASEditViewMain' View is referencing the 'StudyPackageNew' property on the 'ST_sp_TASCheckSupersede' SmartObject that could not be found.
'TASEditViewMain' View is referencing the 'NewCodeSuffix' property on the 'ST_sp_TASCheckSupersede' SmartObject that could not be found.
'TASEditViewMain' View is referencing the 'NewCodeType' property on the 'ST_sp_TASCheckSupersede' SmartObject that could not be found.

New columns NewCodeSuffix and NewCodeType have been added to a table referred to in 'ST_sp_TASCheckSupersede' however the stored procedure does not reference those columns. 'ST_sp_TASCheckSupersede' has not been altered.


SmartFroms is still bound to an invalid SMO property.


1. Please checkout the affected view
2. Perform the (Configure) option on any rules in this view that would reference the SmartObjects and walk through the wizard until the Finish button (no changes are necessary). For safety, I recommend doing this for every rule on the view.
3. Select a control and go to expressions
4. Step through each expression ensuring that there are not errors
5. Check the view back in
6. Re-test the creation of the package

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