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Whenever client navigates to the CER list on this sharepoint site and click on the K2 app, it will take them to a blank artifacts page and display the list name of the LOB list that is also on this same site collection.




Client needs to create a package of the K2 Artifacts on this CER list but since they are unable to see the artifacts via the SharePoint UI this is currently impossible.




We confirmed that the artifacts that were created for this list did in fact still exist as we could see them if we navigated to the category in K2 Designer. Initially I thought that we were just being redirected to the Artifacts page for LOB but we noticed that the LOB list had smartobjects created off of it, it was not a blank list as I initially thought. Took a network trace and confirmed that we were passing in the correct SharePoint List ID when compiling the Artifacts Page.




We confirmed that all of our calls used the List ID for CER and not LOB. We took a fiddler trace when navigating to the artifacts page for CER list to see how the data was being passed around. Most likely since the artifacts still exist the wrong data is being passed into our smartobject calls to get the proper data on loading this artifacts page.




We found that when doing a fiddler trace that the category ID passed in to our call was 134. I changed the Category ID in this URL and noticed that this changed the Site Name displayed on the Artifacts page. If I took out the settingid from the URL I would get an error but could still see the Artifacts. After some testing we found that the category ID for CER list was actually 105 and not 134 (134 was that of LOB).



Investigated the K2 DB for this appit instance Upon viewing the contents of tIntegration].fProcessSharePointSetting]




We saw that the category ID here for our CER List was set to use 134 when it should have 105




Ops Ran a query in order to resolve our issue and set the correct category ID for the artifacts page.




We could now navigate to the CER list and create the package as we initially desired.



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