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I was using in my workflow an infopath form which only has XML fields, and was able to use the form fields through Process Helper. Recently, I tried to use an infopath form which is connected to a sql server database to send data, and the form fields are missing in the Process Helper, so I am not able to work with them.

 Any help would be apreciated. Thanks in advance.

Are the fields in question in the secondary data source of the InfoPath form?  I believe (I don't have access to K2 Studio at the moment) the Object Browser will only display data fields in the main data source of the form.  If the fields are indeed in a secondary data source, you'll need to map them (i.e. duplicate) to main data source fields.  Anyone else feel free to chime in.
Eric is correct in that K2 Studio only shows main datasource fields.  That is because when the infopath form gets submitted to K2 only the actual contents of the form's XML (which is the main datasource) is available.  Another way to see this without K2 involved is to save the populated InfoPath from to a file (as opposed to submit).  The XML file that InfoPath generates only contains the main datasource data.
