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I try to open WorkListItem by the following code (this code run in ASP.NET )

SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection oK2Connection = new SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection();
SourceCode.K2ROM.Worklist oWorkList;
oWorkList = oK2Connection.OpenWorklist("ASP");

And the result of oWorkList.Count return 0.

But when i checked in my WorkSpace. It have 16 ProcessInstances. In activities in ProcessInstances have the destination is <My Name>.

Why oWorkList.Count return 0?

Help me.

For some reason, you're not getting the right user credentials through to Server. Shut down the Server Service and run the Server in Console mode. Retry your code and you should see which user is being authenticated.

The problem could be impersonation in your app's web.config, the AppPool ID your app runs under OR Kerberos authentication not being set up correctly.

I have checked Server. Now i can access the WorkListitems.

Thanks a lot!
What was the issue that you fixed to get it to work?
