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I found a kb article for branding the K2 workspace with a corporate logo. The article states the the process must be repeated 3 times for each colour scheme (olive, silver, and blue). Our corporate logo is blue in format, and we are not allowed to change its colour. Is there any way we can make the default workspace colour to blue for everyone?
Apart from every user being able to change his/her workspace settings separately from the 'Settings' icon in the workspace, there's currently no way to set the default settings for all users in one go without a change to the database.

If you REALLY need to do this, please open a support request so that we can write a script for you - tested and approved by Labs - to run on your database.

I have exactly the same concern... Isn't it possible to set the default color scheme to "blue" instead of "olive"?

I may open a support ticket too but I think a copy-paste from jrothstein's script or resolution method would be fully satisfying.


If you REALLY need to do this, please open a support request so that we can write a script for you - tested and approved by Labs - to run on your database.
Sorry, this was a bit of a hasty reply on my side. There is no such 'script' available - at least not that I know of. It would actually entail a change in a stored proc. This may become an unsupported change.


Reply from K2 Support:

I was able to successfully get it changed by messing with the html on the following four pages:

I replaced the session variable in the stylesheet link with a hardcoded value
(apparently the mainstyle.css - is the blue one)
<!--<LINK href="<%=Session("Skin")%>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">-->
<LINK href="stylesheet/mainstyle.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- <LINK href="stylesheet/mainstyle_olive.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">-->
<!--<LINK href="stylesheet/mainstyle_silver.css" type="text/css" rel="sty! lesheet">-->

I also tried replacing the "internal" to external on this line and it seemed to work - but I think it may not be a permanent change as this appears to be controlling the toggle affect that the internal/external icon controls

<SCRIPT FOR="window" EVENT="onbeforeunload">
var OpenExt = 'External'
if (document.all('OpenEX').alt == 'Open Internal')
OpenExt = 'External'

None of these suggestions are approved by our developers.
