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Last week I was able to view the workflow process of an item from SharePoint. When I tried today with a few different users, none of us were able to see the Workflow Process from the K2 Workflows screen from within SharePoint. There is a box that says "View Flow" but there is nothing underneath it. There used to be an image that you could select to then view a graphical representation of the workflow and where the process was or where errors occurred. I have attached an image of the screen I now see. I was able to view the process by extracting the URL from the source code of the page and going that way, however, that is just a temporary solution. Ideally i would like the image to show up again or to know why it has disappeared.




Somehow the image file for that View Flow icon was removed from the WebResources/CSS Bundle.



Clearing the control cache seemed to resolve the issue. Clear the control cache by using the K2 Designer URL and place this on the end of it: CacheControl.ashx?m=Clear






My designer site:


Cache clear URL:





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