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I'm in the process of configuring the user accounts, AD and other infrastructure for a K2 solution and investigating the best way to leverage AD for identifying and authentication of users within K2.

I know that K2 can access Groups and OUs, but can it natively do this for roles created within Authorization Manager, or does that require additional custom code to be written?

Any information about how K2 can access users from Authorisation Manager would be greatly appreciated.




Currently in with the Default user manager (Active Directory User Manager - ADUM) we do support role based security in the form of the Direct Reports for subordinates and ManagedBy properties in AD for the manager. Thus although we do support role based security it is limited to Manager rights which will allow a manager to see and action his or her subordinates worklist items. If you would like to use more specific Role based security you would have to write additional custom code.

