I have a request to build an document approval workflow. If the doc is approved, the customer would like the file to be dropped to a folder based on the following parts of the file name:
<year>_<quarter>_ <folder indicator>_...
· The year will be the current year the file was produced
· The quarter will be the current quarter of the year in which the file was produced (1Q, 2Q, 3Q, or 4Q)
· The folder indicator will signify which folder under a specific document library where the file must be placed.
· File naming conventions:
o Query Only file - 2012_03_OB1_QO_MembersSource.txt
o TIN Reference 2013_01_OB2_ReportSourceFiles.zip
So for the first example, there will be a document library with folders named OB1 and OB2; sub folders named 2013, 2012, 2011, etc.; sub folders named Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Can this be done with K2 Blackpoint?