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Hi all ,

Well this question is for people who are with k2. My client wants few things.

1) to cistomize k2 show and hide search and reports tab accroding to permission of user.

2) To put a logo of their company in workspace.

I would appreciate is someone can answer these questions as i need to reply back to client today itself.

They have k2 license. Changes mentioned above will be done in aspx only.

Thanks in advance
To hide and show the report and search tabs - a couple of questions...

Does the client realize that if the user has not got 'View' or 'View Participate' rights, the user will not be able to use the Report or Search functionality?

On what grounds will the decision be made whether to show or hide the tabs? i.e. where will this information be stored - surely not hardcoded?
If the logged-on user is UserA, show the tabs but if the logged-on user is UserB, hide the tabs...

To display a custom logo in workspace, please refer to the following KB article:

Hope this helps,
I would show and hide search and report tab on the basis of user permission in my application , not as per roles.

I wanted to ask that is it legal to change the logo and to play around in workspace...and i think answer is yes. But please do confirm that so that i can go ahead with that.

Thanks in advance

I would show and hide search and report tab on the basis of user permission in my application , not as per roles.

It is however important to realize that the users still needs the appropriate permissions in to be able to View reports or make use of the Search functionality.

I wanted to ask that is it legal to change the logo ..

You can customize the look of 2003 Workspace as long as you realize that any Upgrades or Service Packs released by SourceCode will reset Workspace back to default once the upgrade is performed.

Hi All,

Thanks a lot for the reponse.I do understand that if new upgrades are installed it will reset all. I have already conveyed this point to my client. They are pretty much confortable with that.

I was concerened about legal part as to wheather i can customize the look and feel of k2. Is it legal ??

Answer seems to be yes. Please do confirm that.

Thanks in Advance
You CAN customize the look of 2003 Workspace.
Has anyone customized their workspace? Can you post a screen or let me know what enhancements have been implemented?
