You can do it with Nintex Forms.
Have you installed it?
Yes...I have installed it...but am pretty new to I just add the 2 fields I need to the form within the FlexiTask and add rules
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yes, that's basically all what you need.
you can collect all the needed data within one flexi task.
to achieve that follow this steps:
- configure two fields on a list the workflow is running on for vendor(s) and (interviewer(s)
- in flexi task configure outcomes to YES and NO
- customize task form so that you add (drag&drop) item's fields for vendor(s) and interviewer(s)
- next you will need to determine what's a numeric value of YES outcome. you can do it so that you place calulated value control on the task form and sets its formula simply to Decision control (that's the field where nintex stores selected outcome). then run the workflow and check on task form what's the YES outcome value
- once you have it, finally set up validation rule on the task form like: Decision == value_of_YES_outcome] && IsNullOrEmpty(vendor_control) && IsNullOrEmpty(interviewer_control)