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Thanks again for the much needed assistance.

Now I have a major problem. I am upgrading a process from 2003 to blackpearl, and in 2003 I used a kcm. For the kcm's substitue in blackpearl I was advised to drag a Server Event on to the Canvas and add my code there, which I have done.

In the kcm in 2003, I had a ServerEventContext method

(Public Function CheckIfStockAvaliable(ByVal K2 As ServerEventContext) As Boolean).

I would reference that method from my other event in the actual kpr oStockRoutines.CheckIfStockAvaliable(K2)

under Sub Main(ByVal K2 As ServerEventContext) , and that worked fine.

In Blackpearl, it is not that easy.

I have got public void Main(Project_79f10eadebdc4f45ad863ebfc87efd30.EventItemContext_4f23cb94bd4a4714b2912ad6f5f05f2d K2) in my Server Event,

and when I try to call a method from there,


 it errors that the arguments are invalid. Please help...


I believe you can get the server context by calling the K2.GetServerContext() method which you can then pass into your CheckIfStockAvailable() method. e.g. oStockRoutines.CheckIfStockAvailable(K2.GetServerContext());

This should function the same as it did in 2003.

Let me know if if works.


Hi Johan,

Long time no see/talk/chat. Hope you are well.

Yes, your solution definately sorted me out, as usual......

Thank you very much.

