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I have a WF that queries a list and then uses a call web service action to start a WF on the list items that meet the query list criteria.

This has been working perfectly for a while, and suddenly now when I start the WF, it immediately errors at the Call Web Service action.  Nothing was changed in the WF, it was working at one moment, then started generating errors.

For some reason, the WF would go through about 50 items or so in the list (not all the items collected from query list), and process them correctly, then just hang up and stop working.  So, I would terminate the WF, update my filter, and restart it.  This was working fine for about 6 iterations, then started giving internal server errors.

Here is the config of the Call Web Service:

& When I test execute the Web Service:  Internal Service Error.


Does this only happen while "test running" the workflow?  Make sure to swap out any variables for some hardcoded (item ID) when running a test, since references generally don't resolve for test runs.

Also, make sure the List Workflow isn't already running on the item you are trying to run the workflow against.   Only one instance of the same workflow should be run against an item in a list, otherwise it'll result in error.


Thanks, Mike.  I think the WF was in the middle of running on about 10 list items when it froze.  I had terminated the initial WF that cycles through the list, but not the WF that the Web Service was calling.  Once I adjusted my filter to filter out the list items that had already started, it's back up and running.

Thanks for the help!
