I'm working on an Audit form and am trying to create a calculated value that updates based on the audit score being calculated. I have tried writing the formula every which way I know how, but am unable to get it to update past the first If/then statement.
Here is what I'm trying to say:
If CallAuditScore < 95, "Needs Improvement", If CallAuditScore is between 95 & 100, "Successfully Meets", If CallAuditScore is between 100.01 & 115, "Exceeds", If CallAuditScore is > 115, "Exceptional"
Here are some examples of what I have tried:
If(lessThan(CallAuditScore, 95), "Needs Improvement", If(or(greaterThanOrEqual(CallAuditScore, 95), lessThanOrEqual(CallAuditScore, 100)), "Successfully Meets", If(or(greaterThan(CallAuditScore, 100), lessThanOrEqual(CallAuditScore, 115)), "Exceeds", If(greaterThan(CallAuditScore, 115), "Exceptional", " "))))
If(CallAuditScore<"95","Needs Improvement", If(CallAuditScore>="95" || CallAuditScore<="100","Successfully Meets", If(CallAuditScore>"100" || CallAuditScore<="115","Exceeds", If(CallAuditScore>"115","Exceptional","NA"))))
If(CallAuditScore<"95","Needs Improvement"," ") ||
If(or(CallAuditScore>="95", CallAuditScore<="100"),"Successfully Meets"," ") ||
If(or(CallAuditScore>"100", CallAuditScore<="115"),"Exceeds"," ") ||
If(CallAuditScore>"115","Exceptional"," ")
If(CallAuditScore<"95","Needs Improvement", If(CallAuditScore>="95","Successfully Meets", If(CallAuditScore>"100","Exceeds", If(CallAuditScore>"115","Exceptional"," "))))
I've scoured posts in the forum and have come up blank. I've tried adding one piece at a time and I get closer, but the minute I add an additional If statement, it stops calculating.
The most recent I've tried is below:
If(and(CallAuditScore>="95", CallAuditScore<="100"),"Successfully Meets", If(and(CallAuditScore>="101", CallAuditScore<="115"),"Exceeds","Needs Improvement"))