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Hi All,

I have an Asset Verification form I'm working on and I'd like to conditionally include an agreement at the bottom of my form.

To that end I have created a calculated Value control with the following formula "If(isNullOrEmpty(Submitted by),"","I, Submitted by, am submitting on behalf of Current User on Date"

The logic seems sound to me, but when I add this control to the form and then preview it comes up completely blank - nothing. The whole form just breaks and displays nothing.

Seems you are missing a ")"   in the code above.  Not sure if adding it will fix the issue or not.



Sure enough, that broke the form.

But, despite the correction, the calculated value still returns false after I enter the information and move onto the next field. It was my understanding the calculated field would calculate after I moved onto the next field, but it appears that it only calculates after submission.

When it does display, it's returning the User fields as "NWF.FormFiller.Functions.GetTypedValue(username)."
