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I am currently using a list view control on a form that filters based on a control's value.  The control that the list view is filtering on is a text box.  To get the filtered results I have to enter data into the text box and hit enter.  This correctly filters the list view.  What I would like to do is have the user press a button to filter the view instead of having to press enter.  I tried location.reload() but this reloads the form with no values.  Is there some javascript I can use to mimic pressing the enter key on the control that filters the list view?

I found the solution.  I opened the developer window and looked at the form.  The control had an onchange javascript function.  I copied the code to the button and now when you press the button, it refreshes the form with the correct filtered list views.


It will be different depending on the form, but here is what mine looked like:

javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack('ctl00$m$g_4d71a5c4_380a_49bc_a478_446e74538ccb$ctl00$formFiller$FormView$ctl10$ctl16$ff023821_4c24_473e_8b31_fe6a9dc41875','')', 0)"

Request a solution. I do not want method not working 
