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Hi guys 


I would like to ask , is it possible to add button or toolbar button in the list view


Thank you 



Dear ,


In the list view means ?


if u meant the header of the list view , then yes , u can add button/toolbar button .. 

but if u meant inside the ROW of the list view .. the row itself as a column control , then no , u cant have the button/toolbar button inside the row of a list view ..



You can add a button in the list view either or Top or button but you can not add the buttbutton in the view row/column to take any action becuase view contain only change event not click event .


you add a toolbarutton on top or botton then on select of row you can perform the click event .



Remember that you can also use the DataLabel control to create html inside your table that can link to other forms.

We do this in many of our list controls, we create an expression that builds an anchor tag using the first from the List to build another page.

Typically our expressions look like:


<a href=""​SmartForms Runtime SSL]/Form/(form name here)/?formparameter=esome key from list]" target="blank">gsome other list field]</a>


Our expressions are a series of string concatenations to build the above.  Where things in s] brakets are mapped.

So this isn't a button, but it is a link where you can perform other buttons.


A more advanced versio of this is to have this link call some javascript which can act just like a button, but is a much more complex and harder to support solutions.  If you're interested I'd be happy to share, but it is longer to type out ;-)



Nathan, we use same aproach with links in row, but this is not perfect user experience.
Can you share js method?
