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I am trying to enter special days in my solution to represent holidays. I see that I can only enter fixed dates. That means, i can enter Dec 25th or jan 1st with out any problem. But, how can I add Good Friday, which changes every year date wise?

Also, is there a way i can mention the Year?

Unfortunately the special days functionality does not currently allow for entering days that do not occur on the same date each year. This is a known limitation of the current release.

You probably could workaround this issue by creating a simple app that updates the _WorkExcep table with the calculated holidays for the current year and then run the app each year on January 1.

This is not something that I have tested but it seems like it ought to work.

The caviat to this workaround is that we do not recomend or support direct manipulation of the K2 transaction database. It would be an at your own risk activity.

