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Bulk Update Offline


How K2 does store data offline.


Data cached locally.

Wifi Only: this enables the automatic download of all forms (Task Forms and Application Forms) with Offline

Availability set in the Form properties at design time, only when connected to a WIFI network. When not connected to a

WIFI network, Forms can only be cached manually using cellular data.

Logging out of the K2 Mobile App clears the cached (previously downloaded) Forms, this means that all Forms with

Offline Availability will need to be downloaded again.

If Download Forms is set to Always / WIFI in the K2 Mobile settings, the Form activity arrow will shimmer when the form is being downloaded. The form will only download once it is closed. This means that if you open a form and then lose network connectivity, and then close the form, it won't be downloaded and will therefore not be cached and available.

If Download Forms is set to Manual, the Form activity arrow will be solid indicating a form is available to download manually the form will download and be cached and available once you close it (after opening it using the Form action in the Actions Panel).

As forms are downloaded in the background, be aware that if you close a form, it may not be downloaded and cached immediately if the system is downloading another form, but it will be next in the download queue.

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