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I'm trying to write an introduction for the form but when using a Label it doesn't line break and when using a textarea (readonly) I cannot get rid of the border.

Is there a control for writing a paragraph or two of text so it flows over several lines?

Many thanks.

The quick and I think the only way to do this would be to use multiple Labels. That is what I have used. I know, it could be time consuming, unless a K2 creates a new "Multi Line Label" control. Hope this helps.

Another suggestion, if you are using K2 Smartforms 1.0.2 (did not test on 1.0.1), is to thick the label's 'Literal' property and to use <BR> tag on the text property:

Hello, <BR> it's raining today!

This is an enhancement that will be available in 1.0.2, the labels "Wrap Text" property will do exactly this.

Hi all,


Ive got around this problem by using a data label and then on the initilise method of that view or form I just do a transfer data and then put the <br> tag or <p> tag to define line breaks. What I found was that when you write directly to the data label on the propoerties it has a limit of so many characters. If you transfer data then there does not seem to be any limit and the text is displayed fine. I would also put a empty space in the tooltip for that data label because by defaults K2 makes the whole text in that data label a tool tip. So if you just put a space in the tool tip property then when users hover over they wont see another block of text.


Hope that helps.

Yet another option would be to use a "picture" of the properly formatted text.



Somebody has already mentioned here label, in addition to that there is a HTMLliteral control in K2 smartforms control toolbox whichyou can use and can add html formatting tags into it.

Where is the HTML Literal control?

I am finding that the Label control has a limited number of characters...

Is this what you're looking for? See Design Properties for more detail:

If you click on the label and go into the Properties panel on the right you should be able to scroll down to the General section and see a checkbox for Literal.

I knew about that. The only problem is the lable control has a limited number of characters. Also it has a bug where if the form does not use a title on the view, the lable only renders with a fixed height, cutting off content on lower rows.


From the prior post, I thought there was a different control.

Hi All,


Please confirm if this is what you are looking to do with the introduction, if this is then I have found a very nice solution by making use of the Rich Text control.

I wrote my introduction into the Rich Text control during runtime using html as the input instead of normal text, I then saved the rich text control to a smart object.

I then unchecked these three options from the Rich text control properties while editing:

Design View



I then configured the view to execute a load method form the smart object on initialize to load the text into the control.




I hope this was what you wanted to achieve. If this is in fact what you needed a you need more of a description on how I did this please let me know.


Kind Regards,




To: RaymondJVR,


I am also looking to write a block of text at the top of a view.  I am finding the limit of the label to be too short for all of the text.  When I concatenate multiple labels, they do wrap with the wrap txt, but the breaks in text are not as intended.


I would also like to have some text bolded or underlined, and in order to do that, I would have to create multiple labels as well; for the different style changes.


I have also tried creating all the text in a document, and then saving it as a picture, but then when the screen would be resized, the picture would just stay the same, or get truncated.  There is no wrapping with a picture...


You would think it would be easier to display text on the screen.  Can you provide more steps or detail on your rich txt control conversion to a smartobject?  I have not used HTML views as yet.  Any screen shots would be most helpful!



What I'm doing is using a data label and putting the HTML formatted text in an expression.  Does the trick.



