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Hi everybody, I'm new to SmartForms and discovering all the little quirks with it, but there's one I haven't a clue about and that is... blank space!


Let's say I have a table with 2 rows. The first row has a label & some entry control that are hidden unless some criteria is met.  The second row has another label and fcontrol, but these are always visible.  When you load the form, there's a blank space where the hidden label & field are.


How do you hide that blank space?


Obviously this is a simplified scenario.  In reality my form has HUGE chunks of white space. where several rows of fields are hidden.




I do not see any table control rules to remove the table row or cell (blank space is cell space here) at runtime. So, I believe it's not possible if you want to hide the first row in a view. I was surprised that you cannot even have two tables in a single view as well. Smart form is definitely not flexible. Just a thought that javascript at form initialize might do a trick, not sure though.

Dear ,


The only way u could make smartforms ignore invisible controls is if u add all controls in the same row/cell

which means , if u put test1 label and its text box , and test2 label and its checkbox in the same row ,

then try hiding test1 label and its text box , k2 will ignore the blank spaces ,


Hope it helps!


Thank you for your responses!


IPO - Not sure if I misunderstood you but it certainly is possible to have two (and more) tables in a single view.  It's a control that you can add just as you would any other control.  And you can hide/view them like regular controls as well in rules.


Ahmad - Thanks for that, it's been my workaround right now with tables as well.  But I find in some cases there is blank space regardless.  I haven't been able to determine why though.  It's odd though, that you can hide columns and tables in rules but not rows.

Hi Ahmad,



Can you please explain little bit more , on how can smartforms ignore white spaces , even though if its in a  same row.


Any help would be greatly appriciated ..


Thanks and Regards,


Dear CHIRU ,


I will explain it with a simple example ,


First view , i add 4x2 item view , 4 rows , 2 columns ,and added 4 labels and 4 textboxes i took each label+textbox each 2 in the same row ,

 and ill show u the design time and the run time ,


Design time ,




The Second view , is 1x2 , 1 row 2 columns , and i added 4 labels and 4 textboxes in the same row ,

u will notice in the runtime , that the runtime screen shot ,even when u make first 3 labels+textboxes invisibile , it will not show the blank spaces and it will ignore them ,


Design view 




Hope it helps!


l have also noticed this. I have got around this problem by using tables inside the cells. It seems if you put you controls in a table and hide and show tables instead of the controls, it seems to hide the whitespaces much better. Give it a go and see if it works for you.
