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Hi all,

I created a Process UploadFile in Blackpearl using Sharepoint Documents control, but Data not dynamic, for detail:

Step 1: Document Upload Source:

            Filename: using Datafield: UploadFilename

Step 2:Upload Document Destination:

           Sharepoint Site URL: http://......./hd_muaban

           Document Library: using Datafield: UploadDocumentName

           Folder: using Datafield: UploadFolderName

           Content Type: "Error not specify UploadFolderName"

           FileName: using Datafield: UploadFileName

I have a problem for this issue.

Code for Upload has done, but config "Sharepoint Documents" not ok.

For K2.Net 2003 using Sharepoint Documents to Uploadfile to Sharepoint successfully, but K2BP not success.

Please help me for this issue.

Thanks Everybody!

so the document uploads correctly, but setting the metadata does not?  Is that correct?
Metadata not set. Could you help me how to set it?
