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Although I'm understanding most things about K2 that I need to understand, the whole workflow destionation rule and slot thing I just don't get.


Can someone recommend how to set up the destination rule for the following scenario:



I have 50 people in a role.


I want the item to have the "role" as a destination (so any of the 50 can have visibility on the item in their worklist).  The item will be a client event opening up in a smart form


Any person in the role can open and examine the form and then close the form...but not end up completing the client event...(based on business rules within the LOB database, chances of two processors having the item open at the same time is minimal)


Only 1 person will ultimately work/complete the item...once actioned/completed, I want it to disappear from the the worklist of anyone else in that role



In a more situational explanation, we're assigning image ID's from an imaging system to manually key into a system...we have a role of "Processor" which will be the role that the destination rule will be set to.  A processor might open the smartform item but for whatever reason not complete it.  When they close it, it needs to go back into the "Processor" pool so that someone else can open it and not have it be locked out for them.  Ultimately, one person will complete the item and it will then move to the next activity in the workflow.



Is this possible?  if so, how do I configure the destination rule. 













Hope below steps find you well .

Edited: Dont forget u need to run wizard in advanced mode.


Destination Rule = Plan per Destination - All at once

on Destination rule options

on top selection radio button use
-Create a slot for each destination

on bottom selection radio button use
-resolve all roles and groups to users .

then u will need to add a new destination SET , which will be the role u mentioned.

then u will need to provide a rule for the destination set , so when a user actions the activity , it proceeds .


In your scenario i think best rule is to have "At most 1 user approves."





Thank you for the quick and kind reply.


I believe that I'm on the right track, but I'm a little confused as to how to configure the destination set rule based on what you stated.


When configuring the rule for "At most 1 user approves" could you be more specific as to what would go into


  • First Variable
  • Logical Function
  • Logical Data
  • Comparison Operator
  • Second Variable




I very much appreciate your help on this!




  • First Variable --> get the Action  Result from context browser when u click on "..." button next to it and go to data fields .
  • Logical Function --> At Most
  • Logical Data -- > 1 As number
  • Comparison Operator --> "="
  • Second Variable --> "Approve" , Im assuming that the action that moves your activity to next step is called "Approve" , but this field should match the action you defined for the actions for the activity .

Thank you!  I will try this.




