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Hi all,


Looking for ideas on how to best handle this scenerio.


Two tasks Activity A and Activity B.

Three users User A, User B and User C.



Activity A gets assigned to user A. User A goes to form and click a button, which then assigns Activity B to User A and User B with one slot so either one can approve or reject. Problem, I have is, at this point task A and task B must be active together because User A must be able to go back to the form and approve or reject even if user B or User C has not actioned. for example; if User A or User B have not actioned in time (would prefer not to use escalation as time can vary) or if a verbal approval has been received or someting has changed.


What would be the best way to handle this.

Thanks in advance. 

I'm slightly confused on something and maybe you could clear it up for me.


So the problem is, after user A clicks the button on Activity A, User A now only has Activity B, because Activity A has completed, but he needs to have BOTH. Is that correct?

Thanks for you reply. User A gets assigned activity A. User A clicks a button and another activity needs to be assigned to User B and C. But User A must have activity A still open to be able to available to override User B and C activities.



I've attached a picture of  a sample flow that might work.  Basically after Activity A is done it flows to 3 activities:

Activity B

Activity C

Override (which goes back to the destination user of the original Activity A).


At first glance I thought just looping Activity A back on itself might work but then you have the problems of different email messages and actions that aren't appropriate.  Having a separate Override Activity solves a few problems but makes your viewflow a bit messier but that's normally not that big of a problem.


You'll need to have sometype of GOTO escalation (or add code in a default server event that calls the GOTO method) at the end of your process to expire the Override activity if not activated or the Activity B and Activity C if the override is activated.


Hope this helps.



Thanks timkin for taking the time to reply. I implemented something similar to your solution but please note that Activity B and C can reject in whcih case it has to go ack to Activity A and the OVerride has to be expired. Ive found taat it was far too messy. Ive decided to follow another route where activity A has now two escalations actions; escalate via email where activity Akeeps its original serial number and stays the same user. Activity A has anther action where escalate via task. In this case the activity A is completed and it goes to activity B and C. Activity A user does not have option to overrride in this scenerio.


