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I'd like to extend usability of a textbox using jquery autocomplete.

Behavior is ok but default rendering is not correct, especially "hover" (which uses the "ui-state-focus" CSS class).

I digged a little around this and I've found that jQuery CSS classes are overriden by Nintex styles, in order to obtain the rendering of the Nintex People picker.


Is there any way to use default jQuery theme on a custom autocompletion?

Thanks !

Hi Pierre

I have the same problem. The following css gives auto width and a hover effect as shown in screenshot:

.ui-autocomplete {

   width: auto !important;


.ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item > a.ui-corner-all {

    color: black !important;


.ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item:hover > a.ui-corner-all {

    color: black !important;

    background-color: #CCCCCC !important;


Kind regards


Hi Manfred,

We're ok about finding a CSS trick to override what Nintex has overriden by itself. And you have to wrap your CSS in another class in order to preserve the people picker look & feel.

But what I'd like to be able to do is using jQuery theming. I wouldn't have to edit my form if my customer want to change its theme.
