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Has anyone done any testing of workflows using a web browser automation tool such as Selenium? The issue we have is that we cannot get Selenium to invoke the IE browser instance using 'Run as', therefore we cannot test workflows which are assigned to specific groups if the service account is not a member of that group...

Possible solutions:

1) Make the service account a member of all assignment groups

2) Make a remote server call to get Selenium to log on to another server as a user in this group and invoke the browser from there.


Just wondering if anyone else had similar scenario.



Would it work if you assign the service account with Impersonate rights in BP, then you can pass the user you want to impersonate to the a custom web page to open the worklist of that user?

Thanks for the reply Peter. I'm hoping to be able to create the tests without the need for major rework in how the system behaves as it's another point of failure to test.

I may just go with adding the user into all the relevant security groups, as I have no need to test how the k2 product works, i'm only testing our custom workflow processes.


