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I'm working on a small project involving Meridio and K2.NET
We are going to use event hooks in meridio to call a custom com components which should start a process in K2.

My mission now is to just fire that process from the com component, but I m now stuck on connection to the k2server using k2rom. When I try to call the Open method I get Authentication with server failed error. In the k2rom documentation is says that if no user is specified the IIS user creditentals are used. I have tried both with no specified user as well as my own domain user.

To test this I drag a document to the Meridio DropZone, and login with Admin/Admin

This is what I have done up till now:

- Created a process (named PostDelivery) in K2.Studio and exported it to the K2 server. It s listed under Processes in the K2 service manager

- Created a com component (Visual Studio project, using regasm.exe to register it), we are here referencing the k2rom from C:Program 2003Bin. In Meridio Document added to system event hook, I have written the code that executes the com component. I know that the calling of the com component works, this is verified with writing to trace files in the com component code.

-In Users in the PostDelivery process, I have entered both anonymous and my own user and given them all rights.

Everything runs on the same computer. It s running on Windows Server 2003 with SP1, and K2.Net has SP2 (version 3.5068.1.0) installed.

Any clues what might be wrong?

I have fixed this now
The problem was that I had Windows Server 2003 SP1, the knowledge site has a solution for this situation.
