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Hi all,

Our process starts at sending user_A a SMTP notification where a web link is attached, then user_A clicks the link to launch the web page and selects and delivers (via SMTP) a task (another web link attached in the SMTP message) to a destination user (user_B); user_B then launches the web page and completes the task and sends report back to user_A. (picture 0)

There are few things I don't really understand:
1) My IIS and K2 server are in different machines (given that those web pages are running on my IIS), if user_A and user_B are set to myself, then the whole process is working fine, but for other users (their IIS and K2 server are also in different machines) they can't:
NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON is not allowed to open the worklist item
however I have enabled Kerberos authentication in K2 service manager (picture 1) and server setting in the K2 studio (picture 2).
Any idea?

2) Before I changed the security package, that field was blank, nothing specified there at all, but after I made change to Kerberos, we had permission problem at viewflow:
domainusername does not have permissions to view the process K2ROM at ...
however, it worked before, the only modification i made is changing the blank security package field to Kerberos. The thing is I can viewflow of the process completed at couple days ago; when I started a new run today, I got that error. Any idea?

3) In the k2 workspace, I found it didn't pick up the current process, and there was a corresponding entry in K2 db, but not in K2Log db. Would be anything wrong in the K2LogServer? Any idea?

Welcome any suggestion.

Thanks a lot!!!
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