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Hi Everyone,


Is there a way we can assign the values from one smartobject to another smartobject in K2 Smartform? I know we can achieve this using Workflow but not sure about smartforms.


Also I do not want use data labels for data transfer i.e. SMO 1 --> Data labels --> SMO 2




HI, why don't you use composite smartobjects. Associations between smartobjects can be helpful as long as you have both smartobjects in the same view. Use view rules to populate the controls. Does it make sense. Give us some scenario so that we can clearly understand your requirements.



The only way it can be achieved without using Data labels would be having a recieving SmO2 as data source for the View and then using a SmartObject Method on the source SmO1 in View Rules.




Thank you IPO & Eugene for the solution, let me try first with composite smartobjects. Basically I am generating a word document based on the values available in the form/views. But I see big problem in formatting some of the values. For example, Numeric vales with 2 decimals (i.e. 6000.00), though it is formatted in smartforms using style property while assigning to smartobject it treats a value without the deciamal (i.e. 6000) and also the date format.


So we decided to create new Store Proc with formatted values and casting that values as string OR maybe we can achieve this by formatting Content control used in Word document template but we are not sure how to do this.


Also I have doubt of using composite smartobejcts as the current custom service object to generate word document is a generic one and which can be used in any places. But concern about relationship (Add method service link) associating with StoreProc as we are not using any unique keys. Only option available is a string match (example subject with subject, description with description).




Sorry for my last analysis, looks like as Eugene suggested we can achieve only through having a receiving SmO2 as data source for the View and then using a SmartObject Method on the source SmO1 in View Rules.



