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When clicking on the K2 application button the ribbon bar on a SharePoint 2013 List/Library, the following error occurs:

Server Error
The file '/Designer/Runtime/ArtifactPage/ArtifactPage.aspx' does not exist.

More Details

at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate)
at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate)
at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVirtualPathObjectFactory(VirtualPath virtualPath, HttpContext context, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean throwIfNotFound)
at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath(VirtualPath virtualPath, Type requiredBaseType, HttpContext context, Boolean allowCrossApp)
at System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory.GetHandlerHelper(HttpContext context, String requestType, VirtualPath virtualPath, String physicalPath)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.MaterializeHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Booleanand completedSynchronously)


However, you might also get an error message stating the following:

"The file '/Designer/Runtime/_trust/spauthorize.aspx' does not exist."



It seems K2 for SharePoint is dependent on some specific fields in the Environment Library


Please make sure that these two fields exist in your default Environment Library:

SmartForms Runtime SSL
SmartForms Designer Runtime SSL

Even if you don't use SSL, please still make sure the values of these fields are filled in and set to Default.

You can make sure that these values also exist in your String Tables, it will probably show up automatically after a K2 service restart.

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