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I’m Christian Catania, and I work for Nintex as the lead User Experience (UX) Designer for Nintex Workflow, in Melbourne Australia. We’re looking to recruit some Nintex Workflow users who would like to help us improve our products by being involved in some user testing in early February (2015).


So here’s what we’re looking for:

  • A new or experienced Nintex Workflow user who is familiar with how to create and configure a workflow. It would also be nice (but not necessary) if you've had experience creating a form using Nintex Forms.
  • We would need you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Nintex. This is so we can show you the new concepts we are working on.
  • We will would like to record the session, so we can go over it afterwards. This is only for internal use by the Nintex UX team. We won’t publicly distribute anything you share, and your identity will remain anonymous.
  • You are available for an hour sometime between the 2nd and 4th of February 2015.


We expect the session to take one of two forms depending upon your location and available times:

  1. If you’re local to Melbourne, Australia and are available, we would like to come to you and run a session. This would involve a couple members of the UX team spending an hour with you as you create workflows. This session would also be recorded.
  2. If you’re located outside Melbourne, Australia, we would set up a time for a live teleconference session as you create workflows.


If you cannot do either option but are still interested in helping us out, then send us an email anyway as we would love to see if there are any other ways that you could help.


If you’re interested, or for more information on this project please contact us on:




Christian Catania

The Nintex UX Team

I'm in New Zealand. I'm available on the 3rd or 4th after 5pm local time. So would be 4pm at Melbourne time.

Hello Christian,  I am in Port Melbourne.  Be Happy to help.  Touch base via email and we can organise it.

Hi Guys,

Thank-you so much for your responses. If you could visit this link ( and complete the form. We will be in contact with you early next week via email to organise a session time.

Kind Regards,


I'm interested.  I'm in Derby, UK.

So I have to say, using your own product to gather information is pretty darn cool. Way cool!!!!

I also submitted the form! Greetings from Belgium.

Shows that the product is indeed useful (although we already knew that, didn't we) happy.png

Thank you Christian for the follow up. I have completed the form as requested. Looking forward to assisting where I can.

I can also help if you need any further support. Sorry for being late.

Hi all,

Has anyone participated this yet? I did receive an email to sign the confidential document. But didn't get anything else after that.. Is it the same for those ones who participated?

Hi Jun, Thanks for your message and sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I am still waiting for final confirmation of which dates when we will be running sessions as the original research plan was postponed. I will be sending out a schedule in the next week or so for everyone to book in times they are available.

Hi Enrico, we are going to be running user research sessions in future on an ongoing basis so we are always looking for more people to participate. If you fill out this form (‌), we can kick the process off and I will send an NDA form out for you to sign once the form is filled out.

Yes Joseph, we are still looking for participants. Please fill out this form (‌), and I will send out an NDA form for you to sign.

Hi Christian. Is it possible I have not received an e-mail yet regarding the confidential document?



Thank, Christian. All good. Just thought I'd check.
