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Are the paging controls in K2 Smartforms list views customizable?


The product owner for one of our K2 Smartforms solutions has requested more functionality from the paging controls that are rendered for lists of items in list views. Currently, when you turn paging on for a particular list view, you can only set the number of items that appear in a page. You cannot change the appearance of the paging controls themselves. Our product owner wants us to give the user some sort of indication of the number of items appearing in a list. For example: if a list view contains 45 items, and we've set up the list to page the list view at 20 items, we would like the paging controls to indicate that there are 3 pages in the list. I've responded back to the product owner, telling them that I don't think that the paging controls are customizable. But I wanted to reach out to K2 and ask the following questions:

* Am I correct in my determination that the paging controls in K2 Smartforms list views are not configurable?
* We are currently on 1.0.6 and are currently pondering an upgrade to the newest version of K2 Smartforms. Does the newest version provide this functionality?
* If not, can I submit a feature request to allow the list view designer a way to customize a paging control to at least indicate the number of pages in a list?
* Is there some other workaround to provide this functionality that is approved by K2? For example, have other developers developed a custom control to replace the existing paging control, or have used CSS to change the look/feel of the control?



Paging in general was removed from the software to optimize page performance. You can enable/disable the functionality in your environment in the web.config for Design and Runtime webapps.

There are no plans to enable or enhance the paging functions within SmartForms.

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