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Archiving Workflow data on Database


Is it possible to archive workflow data on the K2 database to free space and improve the database performance.

Is there a script to this kind of task ?


Please do follow the following document in regards to archiving.

If this fails please do contact K2 support to obtain the mArchive script in order to complete this.

The KB seems to be for K2 4.7 or earlier. Is there a new archive process for K2 FIVE? I do not see the archive option in the new K2 Management UI.


 Steps to Archive with Database Script

  1. Ensure you have K2 Five installed.
  2. Contact K2 support to request the script.
  3. Run the script on the K2 database.

Please make sure you click this Link for more information about archiving a workflow data on the K2 database with k2 five




Hi Jeremy

I found solution for you make sure you visit this link  or click HERE and login using customers login details and on the left hand site there is download  button, by clicking it, four script will be downloaded. Make sure you use the correct script


Please dont forget to mark this article as KHUDO and solution or KHUDOS only.




