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We just recently got Archiving functioning but now notice that when trying to "Archive" data using the Workspace Archive "tool" that after 20 minutes all the data that we selected to archive roles back.
There seems to be a large amount of data to archive but even selecting one (1) day is failing.
We have been able to successfully archive a little over 13100 records but we have millions to do.
I have increased the timeout on the Workspace from 1200 seconds (20 minutes) to 3600 seconds (1 hour) in the web.config but this has not fixed the issue.
We have to archive a lot of "old" data as were expecting an increase in some of our views load performances.


The time-out issue is somewhat expected given the size of the data being archived.


You NEED to run the built-in 'Archive' Stored Procedure instead -- this stored procedure will allow for archiving data based on a date range and can handle huge amount of data thus eliminating the timeout issue experienced when doing this via K2 Workspace.
Please contact K2 Support for more information on this.
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