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We are seeing the following error when trying to archive completed workflows from the workspace's UI:


Error Occured:Invalid column name 'Identity'. Invalid column name 'IsGroup'.


We have sucessfully archived things a number of times using prior releases.  This is our first attempt at archiving since upgrading to 4.6.8, so that may have something to do with it?  Any suggestions on a fix would be greatly appreciated.

Hi DaveDMBA,


I assume you are trying to archive workflow items within the K2ServerLog schema, is that correct?


What version of blackpearl did you upgrade from to 4.6.8?



We have a consolidated database, K2, which contains the all of the K2 schemas, including the K2ServerLog schema.  So, the answer to your first question is yes.


We upgraded from 4.6.6 to 4.6.8.  Archiving was succuessful last time I tried it under 4.6.6.

The K2 database  schema must have changed in the new version which i why youa re having the issue.

I haven't solved this issue yet.  We haven't archived stuff for a while now.  We recently upgraded from 4.6.8 to 4.6.10.  Still can't archive stuff, but now we are getting an error that says:  


Error Occured: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.


Looks like there are some schema changes going on somewhere.  Anyone else have this issue?  
