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I have a list worfklow running.

I'm wanting to set the Approval status of a document using the workflow. This is easy peasy for the document in the context in which the workflow is running, but I need to approve a related document in the same library.

The built in task "Update Item" can set any other field, but the Approval Status field is not available to change.

I'm assuming will need to use a Web Request method or something simliar to get around this limitation?


A Nintex User Man

Hi Stephen,

yes i think you will need the call web service action and call a Lists.asmx web service (enter the "Web Url" context variable in the URL field of the action and add "/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx". Enter an account with sufficient permissions and click on the refresh button. This will give you a list of available web methods. Use the "UpdateListItems" method to set the approval state.

MSDN-Reference on UpdateListItems method: Lists.UpdateListItems-Methode (WebSvcLists)

MSDN-Example of using this method for an approval: Approve a document by Webservice

However, if there is already an approval task on the other document, you can use the Nintex web services to complete this task from your workflow.

Let us know if this helps you.


