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i am new to k2, i am facing one issue in my workflow. i am using infopath form 2010 on my workflow, i have 3 views 1 for input 2 for approve 3 for viwe.

now issue is that i  have approve and reject button on my approve viwe, when i click approve or reject button i have getting belwo error.

(500) Internal Server Error.  System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: The worklist item cannot be completed due to the following reason: The following action is not valid for this task:      at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.InfoPathFun...


Steps i followed

i have define one field in infopath form as actionname the i have refered as task action in my workflow. and set the action result as 'approve' and 'reject'.

on click of approve buttion i am setting actionname="approve" and submit the workflow.


can some one help, am i doing the correct or i have missed some thing to configure.

What you've described sounds correct. 


To troubleshoot these types of issues I will often add the fields under the _k2 node temporarily to the form and then you can verify the values are being set correctly by the rules. 

i have solve this by set the action name before submit  the workflow flow.


On Approve button click retrurned the code below.



Submit workflow

Close workfow
