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I am currently using the Approval Url in the notification email to allow the user to get directly to the task (as in the My Workflow Tasks). It works as expected except in one action where the site url is rendering incorrectly i.e. is only appearing as sitename/lists/etc...

I have tried to configure a number of times, and even copied the source from a working area. Can anyone provide assistance?


If you are using a task such as flexi-task or assign task, the url in the task notification area is already prebuilt for you. 

I have used the approval URL once or twice, but that was to backend work.  For user interaction, I've used the pre-generated links and modified the content in the emails.

Hope that helps.

I've seen this happen in cases where there were URL mappings that pointed to external and internal site URLs.  The flexitask would at random select one or the other.  Do you have internal vs. external URLs going on in your Sharepoint environment?


URL is external, and works everywhere else in the workflow. The link does work when I log onto the server...


I am still having issues. Any ideas?


Correct action is to use the use Nwadmin AddzoneSetting. See here:
