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I have a few irregularities that have come up in the Application Accelerators. In a workflow, if the attachments are added to an email event, the attachments are not included in the email. This should be a drag and drop of the files from the Item Reference Attachments but the message is sent without error, but the attachments are not included.

The second irregularity is that in the Accelerators there is not a step in the start configuration to set a data field that is created.


Tested multiple different Appit Accelerators on ver 1.3. Could not reproduce the issue with the Set Data Field step not showing up in a workflow deployed from an Accelerator.

Testing with email event and sending an attachment from the sharepoint list item revealed a possible bug that is specific only to workflows deployed via an Application Accelerator. A similarly built workflow from scratch would properly send a Sharepoint List attachment file in an email. The accelerator based workflow would send an email without the attachment. Removing email event and readding it does not solve the issue. Also when using the Attachments SmartObject method Get Attachment in an accelerator based workflow the workflow will error out when it gets to the email event. Instead to get the list item attachment you should use the Item Reference file from the Attachments Smartobject.


The difference in behavior between accelerator based workflows and workflows built from scratch has been logged as an existing bug, Modifying Appit Accelerator Processes, email events to include Attachments does not add the Attachment to the mail. This bug is specific to only Application Accelerators in Appit.

The only workaround for this bug currently, is to avoid using a workflow that comes from deploying an Application Accelerator if you need to grab a list item attachment and send it in an email from an email event. If this is a required functionality then you can copy the steps used in the deployed workflow from the accelerator and recreate the workflow from scratch. When a workflow is built from scratch this issue with a list item attachment not being attached to an email doesn't exist.

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