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The following problem occurred when I login as a user.

"An unexpected error has occurred.

Please click here to refresh the Workspace.

If the problem persists, contact your system administrator for assistance. "

However when I use the administrator login, there's no problem with accessing the workspace.

Please advice on this problem. Thank you.

Check permissions on the following folders on the K2 server

c:winnt emp
c:winntmicrosoftdotnet frameworkv1.1.4322 emporary files
c:program 2003k2wsworkspace

try to set read + write permissions on these folders for authenticated users.

also, make sure that anonymous access is disabled on your K2 website in IIS. 2003 Workspace is by default configured to handle all errors that occurs, displaying the following message
An unexpected error has occurred. Click here to refresh the Workspace. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator for assistance.

This makes it difficult to see what the exact error was that occurred in workspace.
To disable the Handle load errors do the following:
Open the Web.config file located by default in C:Program 2003K2WSWorkspace and change the following setting:

<customErrors defaultRedirect="Error_Page.htm" mode="On" />


<customErrors defaultRedirect="Error_Page.htm" mode="Off" />

I have found that I need to manually grant permissions to the K2Log database so users can access Workspace. What seem to be the minimum permissions are:
Execute permission for all stored procedures that start with the letter 'w'.

This should be in the K2 documentation somewhere. Did I simply overlook it?
Hi Steven,
This is only needed when you are using Windows Integrated Authentication to connect to your databases. You do not have to grant any user access to your databases if you are using SQL authentication to communicate with the 2003 databases. :lol:
Yes, but SQL Authentication sends passwords in plain-text across the network. 😶 :shock:

And as we discussed over the phone, to do Windows Authentication "the right way" we would need to configure Active Directory (the server(s) and service account(s)) for Kerberos.
