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Dear All,

After installing the with all components and service pack1, i designed a simple proccess and when i went to the workspace the login screen showed up and i logged in but it redirected me to another page with this message:

An unexpected error has occurred.

Please click here to refresh the Workspace.

If the problem persists, contact your system administrator for assistance.

Please advice.
Are you using the SQL user manager version? Active Directory authentication should not display a login screen.

Check permissions on the following folders on the K2 server

c:winnt emp
c:winntmicrosoftdotnet frameworkv1.1.4322 emporary files
c:program 2003k2wsworkspace

try to set read + write permissions on these folders for authenticated users.

also, make sure that anonymous access is disabled on your K2 website in IIS.
Thanks for replying,

I tried what you have suggested and yet still nothing changed..
If you have any other suggestions please tell me..

Thanks in advance
Are you using SQL user manager (SQLUM) or Active directory?
Can you connect to the server using the service manager MMC snap-in?
Have you confirmed that the K2 server service is running?
Have you started the K2 service in console mode to check that is starting correctly?
Well, I tried to expand the server on K2.NET service manager an error message appered saying " Server is not configured for windows authentication"
I am using SQL user manager And Active directory...Server is running correctly...

Please advice

Unfortunatelly i dont have the SQLUM Installation Guide, But I would be greatful to tell me weather its right to have SQLUM and MS SQL Server and Active Directory installed in the same machine or not?

also, I have my machine as a domain controller, is it right or wrong??

I would be greatfull to help me in such things..

